Strip the rest

Now that the roof has been stripped back to metal, we have decided to strip the rest of the car back to metal as well. By ‘the rest of the car’ I mean the outside. I don’t think that there is any need to strip bare the inside or the engine bay.

So, I started working on the driver side rear quarter and got most of it done today. Just one section beneath the bumper line that needs to be done. The paint seemed to come off a lot easier than it had on the roof. Probably because I let the stripper do its thing for a bit longer before scrapping the paint off. I did find a few more rust holes, but nothing too drastic. There are a few right on the fold along the bottom of the quarter, near the door. We haven’t looked too hard yet, but it might be a little tricky trying to get to the inside to make sure that the rust in there is all cleaned out.

Dad continued working on the tailgate. It is looking really good. The body filling is coming along well and is almost done. Probably just one more round of filling and sanding and it will be ready for painting.

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