… and reveals something nasty.

Spent the day finishing off stripping the body today. Worked on the final stage, being the sills. Thankfully, only a minor rust hole was found that I didn’t know about previously. So we are now all clear for getting started on the body work and patching all of the issues that we have found.

I did a little stripping on the passenger door as well, just to see where we stand, and I did not like what I found. It had to happen sooner or later I suppose. There is a fair amount of rust on the door and it looks like I’ll have to get a replacement. If I cannot find a replacement, we’ll have to try and re-skin it, but we’ve never done that before, so it might get interesting.

2 Responses to “… and reveals something nasty.”

  1. Gavin Says:

    Hey Matt keep up the good work there mate looks like a bit of work but arn’t they all like that :).

  2. Matt Says:

    Hey Gav,

    They sure are. Hopefully, this will be the last of the surprises (famous last words 😉 )