The Dream is coming true.

Today Dad and I jumped on the ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff to buy the car. I asked Peter if he could drive the car to the ferry so we didn’t have to take our car over. He was quite willing to help us out.

When Peter arrived, Dad looked over the car and confirmed his initial thoughts from the photos. There was a lot of body filler on the car. But, we decided it was a good place to begin. I gave Peter the cash and he handed over the keys. Everything was completed fast enough for us to get back onto the same ferry that we came over in.

On the trip home from Sorrento, I decided to take her onto the freeway to see how she performed. There is this great sweeping bend when getting onto the freeway at McRae. She hugged the curve really nice and pulled up to 100Km/h with no trouble at all. When we got home, Dad commented that she didn’t puff one little bit of smoke.

The dream is starting to become a reality. I have the car, now, we just need to get her in to top condition. I’m really happy with her, especially as she has the original Registration plates and she has matching plates.

One Response to “The Dream is coming true.”

  1. Anthony Says:

    Looks good matt, the page header looks neat.
    I actually saw the link on viczcar. speak soon. Ant