Back end together again (mostly).
During the week, my sister (Catherine) took the rear brake slave cylinders and shoes to BGT to get reconditioned. Dad picked them up for me on Friday. Now that I have all the bits and pieces done and everything is painted, I can start putting things back together again.
Well, I thought everything was painted. While I was laying out all of the brake lines, I found a couple of small s-pipes (for the front brakes) that I had not yet painted. I cleaned them up and gave them a quick lick of silver paint, and touched up on of the other pipes (missed painting under the rubber mounts).
I then started to put the brake and fuel lines back onto the car. This was quite a tricky task as the pipes had to go through the handbrake and over the diff. The free ends of the pipes kept on catching onto things. It took me a while, but I finally got them all in place and they look pretty good. The silver pipes on the black under body looks cool. With this done, I moved onto putting the handbrake cables back in place. This was a fairly easy task, right up until I had to put the wedge clips in to stop the cable ends from coming loose. This was an interesting task to do under the car. Got them in and then the last part that had mu stumped for a while was where the return spring latched onto. Dad noticed a very small black dot in the service manual and we finally got the spring in place.
The next task on the list was to put the half-shafts in place. This was a pretty easy task to do. I’ve tightened the nuts up most of the way, but was not able to give them a good hard tighten, as I had nothing to stop them from spinning. To help out in this area, I moved onto putting the rear brakes together.
The rear brakes went together fairly easily. Everything seemed to just fall into place as you would hope. Even getting the clip on to hold the slave cylinders in place went in easily. The only thing I goofed on was not winding back the self adjuster. We couldn’t get the drum on a first, but with a quick adjustment and a little bit of wobbling around, the drums went into place. I then attached the handbrake cables to the rear brakes and gave them a little test. Everything was working as expected. All that is left to do now is to connect the brake lines to the slave cylinders.
- Rear brakes back together
- Front brakes back together
- Master cylinders back together