Much work, little posting.
Whoa! Did you check out the date on the previous post! I’ve not updated the site for a looong time. Most of the reason for this is me being lazy and the other is that we have a new addition to the family, and I don’t mean another car. Our first Son, Sebastian, arrived in August and he is a lot of fun and a big distraction.
But, this does not mean that work on the car has come to a grinding halt. Work has continued on and the car is now painted and being put back together. As well as the car being painted, I have finished work on the heater core and the blower unit. I have also had the seats reupholstered and they have come up fantastic.
The dash has been put back together again, only required new globes for all the instruments as after thirty years, the original globes have darkened quite a bit. The electrical loom has had a lot of work done to it as well. We removed all of the patch work that previous owners have done. We found that most things that were done (i.e. hazard light switch and A/C circuit) could have been done in the original loom. So, we removed all of the tack ons and wired the new things in to the appropriate places in the loom. We also add relays to the head light circuit so as to remove the high current from the stalk switch. The only part of the loom that is to be done now is the A/C and radio.
A couple of weeks ago, I finally received some goodies from the US. I ordered a vinyl kit and rubber seal kit from Black Dragon Auto. Apart from some delivery issues with UPS SCS, everything arrived in great condition. But remember one thing, when ordering a vinyl kit from the states, they are Left Hand Drive. This means that the hole for the hand break is on the wrong side of the tunnel vinyl. I will have to get my upholsterer to cut a new hole one the right side (literally) and mack a patch for the hole on the left side. Oh well, it will still be better than the originals.
Last week and this week we have been focusing on getting the doors back together. So far we have got the lock mechanisms in, windows and frame and driver side mirror on. We have taken the rear quarter windows apart and cleaned them up ready for new rubbers. They need a little repair work, so they have stalled a little.
The plan from here is to get the heater and vents back together, some of the vinyls and then the dash back in. It’s all starting to com together nicely. Hopefully, she’ll be back on the road soon.
- Heater core back together
- Heater core
- Rear view of the heater core
- New seat foams
- Base seat foam
- back and head rest seat foams
- The new seats ready to go back into the car
- The repaired grill in place
- The grill needed a new piece to be made
- Final sanding and ready for top coating
- Rear of the car just before top coat is applied
- All of the door jams and insides were painted before the car was sent off for top caoting
- Beaver panel looking a lot better than when it was.
- The car all painted and ready for re-assembly
- Close up view of the new shine.
- Door handle and key tumbler in place
- Latch on car body
- Lock mechanism and dovetail
- Driver side mirror