Getting the new bonnet on, just right
Started to focus on getting the new bonnet to fit onto the body properly today. During the previous work, we had noticed that the front of the car, on the driver side, has evidence of being in an accident. Nothing peculiar about that happening to a Z 😉
Before getting stuck into trying to get rid of all the kinks, we removed the radiator and the air/con condenser. This gave us a lot more space to move. We used the gentle persuasion of a log splitter to get most of the kink out. We then moved to using the weight of the car and some heat to straighten out the rest of the kink. This worked a treat and the majority of the damage has been straightened out.
We bolted the bonnet into place and grabbed the driver side guard and placed that into position. All of the lines look great and the bonnet is sitting well. I think once we have the guard bolted into place, everything will come together nicely.
We also completed the stripping job that Dad had started on the tailgate. We found another dodgy repair which will have to be ground out and done properly. We also found all of the badge holes bogged up. It was funny to see the amount of bog that they used to cover up the holes. Seeing the badge holes prompted me to think about what badges I have missing. Ends up, being most of them. I only have the two on the rear quarters that are over the vents. Will have to look into getting them.
- Beating the front driver side back into shape
- A bit of heat gets things nice and straight
- The front end with radiators removed
- New bonnet fits nicely after the panel work
- Tailgate stripped bare
- Rust hole in tailgate