A Little Bit Here, and a Little Bit There.
It’s high time that I put a little more effort into getting some more things done on the Z. Today, Penny and I did some work to get a few things done here and there.
The main focus was to get the last of the vinyls installed. The last one was the one on the back parcel tray, just behind the seats. We measured up the one that I had and there was a little bit of a gap. We had some spare vinyl and made a patch piece to cover up the small gap. Whilst I was waiting for the glue to dry on the patch, I decided to install the choke lever bracket.
I had bought a bracket to move the choke lever off of the center console plastic. I had spray painted the bracket gloss black earlier in the day and it was dry and ready for installation. It was very easy to install and has made the choke so much easier to use.
With the new bracket in place, Penny and I finished gluing in the last vinyl. It went in nice and smooth and has finished the car off very nicely. I cleaned the black plastic trim that goes across the rear of the back parcel tray and screwed that into place.
A few little things here and there, and it’s starting to look nearly done.