The Battery Tray
Today I did a little work on the battery tray. It is quite rusty, but thankfully, is still very solid. I sanded it down with a coarse grade of sand paper. Dad an I modified the tray so that it is now a removable item, rather than being welded to the firewall and guard wall of the engine bay. I treated it with some POR15 rust converter and will paint it with POR15 black tomorrow. In the end, it will be painted the same colour as the engine bay.
The area under the battery tray that I had been sanding is looking pretty good. We decided to put a bit of high fill on it to get rid of a few bumps. We brushed it on, as for the small area that needed to be done, it wasn’t worth getting the spray guns out. It doesn’t need to be perfect, just good enough (with the battery in place, it’s going to be pretty hard to see anyways ;))
As the engine bay is getting close to being ready for a bit of paint, I bought some paint that is going to be the colour of the car. Nissan Silver 901. The colour looks pretty good in the can, cannot wait to see it sprayed on the car. I bought 1L of base colour, 1L of thinners, 1L of clear and hardener for the clear coat.
- High fill applied with brush to area under battery tray