Freshen up of the Components
Today I spent the day cleaning and painting the front suspension and steering components. I took all morning and a little of the afternoon to scrub all the caked on muck off the components and to give them a light sand. Once they were all done, I washed off the soap residue and let them dry in the sun.
Once again, the POR-15 was brought out. I finished off painting the cross member and engine bay that I had not completed last weekend. I had hung all of the components off the block-and-tackle chain, sort of like hanging out the washing ;). The steering rack was not hung up though. Dad reminded me to wear gloves once I started on painting the components. Lucky that he did as the gloves were pretty painted once I had finished.
All of the components look real good now that they are painted black. The only thing left to clean up and paint are the strut housing, springs and brake calipers. I’ll have to see if POR-15 is heat resistant, or if I have to get special paint for the brakes.
- The painted steering rack
- Closeup of the tie-rod ends
- All of the components hang up and painted
- The painted track control arm