A Bit More Painting
Today Dad and I decided to focus a little more on under the car. We used the gantry to hoist the back of the car in the air again to allow us to give the back-end a good degrease and to clean off any remaining dirt and residue. It seemed to come off a lot easier than when I did the front-end, probably because we used the degreaser neat and let it soak for a lot longer.
Once the degreaser had done its thing, we rinsed everything down and let her dry out. We then got out the spray gun for the sound deadener. What a messy job that was. Sound deadener went all over the place. Best thing was though, we got it all over the right places too 😉 Under the car has now had a good coat of sound deadener, replacing a lot of the stuff that I stripped off due to it going bad because of all the oil leaks.
Once the car was back on all four wheels. I decided that it was time to make the inside of the car look like it was ready for the next stage. I painted all exposed floor with POR-15. This included both floor pans, the passenger side firewall, the spare wheel carrier and the inside of the rear of the car (where the taillights go). This should seal things nicely and will hopefully slow the rust down.
- Front floor pans
- Spare wheel carrier
- Drivre side floor pan