So many layers…

The stripping continued today. I resumed work on stripping the roof and after finding more body filler, we decided that it was probably best to take the whole roof back to metal. That’s fine in theory, but I so far have only about one third back to metal. It’s taking about five applications of stripper to get to metal! There are so many layers of paint on that car it isn’t funny.

Dad did some work on the tailgate, sanding back the metal mend and applying the first coat of body filler. It’s starting to look real good. The metal mend dried up hard as a rock and is doing the job that we had hoped it would brilliantly. Dad also repaired a rust hole that we discovered when we took the old hatch panel off. Tomorrow, hopefully, the rear hatch panel should be tacked in place and have a liberal application of Fisholean 😉

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